Bianca Berning
Creative Director at Dalton Maag
Bianca Berning is a designer specializing in typography, type design, and type technology.15 She currently works at Spotify as a Staff Typographer.15 Previously, Berning served as the Creative Director at Dalton Maag, a London-based typeface design studio.46
Berning's expertise lies at the intersection of typography, type design, and technology.2 She has been involved in various design projects and has spoken at industry events, such as Design Matters Tokyo 22, where she explored typography-related topics.4
Dalton Maag, where Berning worked as Creative Director, is an independent font foundry with offices in London, UK, and São Paulo, Brazil.3 The company designs fonts for corporate identities, logos, and other text uses, and has worked with major clients such as AT&T, Netflix, BBC, Amazon, and Toyota.3