Besar Bilalli
Entwicklung & Beratung in E-Commerce (Shopware & Individualentwicklung)
Besar Bilalli is a seasoned professional with a strong background in marketing and e-commerce.
He successfully marketed an online shop until last year and then pivoted to offer his expertise in creating online stores.
His focus is not merely on building a shop but on strategically positioning it in the highly competitive digital landscape.
Besar Bilalli holds a degree in Business, Management, Marketing, and related support services from FOM Hochschule fÃŒr Oekonomie & Management.
He has held key positions in various organizations, including being a Co-Founder at solution25, Head of Software Development at D1SE GmbH, CEO at agent25 GmbH, and E-Commerce-Leiter at Orange Outlet GmbH.
Prior to his ventures in e-commerce, he served in an IT capacity in the Bundeswehr.