Bernard MICHEL
Président de VIPARIS
Bernard Michel is a prominent figure in the fields of finance, management, and innovation. With a career that spans across the banking, insurance, and real estate sectors, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, which he has utilized to transform businesses. He served as the President of Gecina, the largest office owner in Europe, from 2010 to 2018. Currently, he serves as the President of VIPARIS, the world's No.1 trade show organizer and leader in Europe, and Real Estech Europe.
Bernard has a keen interest in addressing contemporary economic, social, and societal issues in the real estate sector. He is driven by a desire to provide innovative solutions to the challenges of climate change, resource consumption, renewable energy, biodiversity, and the expectations of users about innovation, quality of work-life, and flexibility. He is inspired by critical thinking, trend-spotting, and innovation to create an environment that meets the needs of modern and future workspaces.
Bernard's academic background includes a degree in Taxation from the Ecole Nationale des Impots and a Bachelor's in Economics from the Faculté de Droit, Sciences Économiques et Gestion de Clermont-Ferrand. He is an active member of various organizations and associations, including the Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, MEDEF Paris, and Women Leadership Capital Ecosystem, where he formerly served as the Strategic Board Member.