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    Bemi Jauhal

    Vice President - Sales + Marketing - US Residential Portfolio at Bosa Development

    Bemi Jauhal is an accomplished marketing professional with an emphasis in real estate. With a Bachelor of Science in Business, focused on Marketing, from San Diego State University, Jauhal has had a successful career in the real estate industry working as Vice President of Sales+ Marketing in the USA for Bosa Development and as a Senior Project Director of Marketing & Sales at The Mark Company. She has also previously held positions in marketing management at Ryan Young Interiors and Motivational Systems, Inc, as well as in television operations at KPBS.

    Jauhal's dedication to the field of marketing and real estate has made her a respected member of the industry. Her experience in project management, communications, and sales have made her a valued asset for every organization she has been a part of. Her expertise in the world of real estate has led to her working on some of the most significant projects in the industry.

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    Can you provide examples of successful projects Bemi Jauhal has managed?
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    Bemi Jauhal
    Bemi Jauhal, photo 1
    Bemi Jauhal, photo 2
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    San Francisco, California, United States