Bartosz Mazurek
Prezes Zarządu w Ostoya Capital S.A.
Bartosz Mazurek is a young entrepreneur and manager with over 10 years of experience in the capital market. He is a passionate enthusiast of economics, marketing, sociology, and social behaviour. Bartosz and his team help in the development of Polish socially responsible brands by raising capital from individual investors. At the same time, they offer advice to individual investors on how to multiply their savings safely and ethically while contributing to the growth of local brands. Bartosz has a Master of Engineering in Marketing Management Corporation from Politechnika Wrocławska, a Customer Value Management certification from SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and a Master's degree in Banking and Insurance from Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu. He currently serves as the President of the Management Board at Ostoya Capital S.A. and formerly held positions on various supervisory boards and as a Co-Founder of If you are seeking someone who can offer new challenges and professional growth opportunities in customer service in the capital market, or learn how to invest safely and ethically, Bartosz Mazurek is the right person to guide you.