Arthur de Paula
New Business Analyst
Arthur Wanderley S. de Paula has a diverse professional background encompassing roles in large companies across different sectors like beverages and specialized services. With a keen focus on achieving results, he possesses deep knowledge in methods and procedures, proficiency in calculations and spreadsheet management, and experience in routine management. Arthur holds a degree in Accounting Sciences from the State University of Paraíba (UEPB) and pursued studies in Production Engineering at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), where he contributed to a research project on Construction Project Management software. Currently, he is engaged in Customer Prospecting and Marketing at Enterprise Business Development & Information (EBDI). Throughout his career, Arthur has held positions such as New Business Analyst and Marketing Assistant at EBDI, Technical Sales Consultant at Ilumisol Energia Solar, Administrative Analyst, and Logistics Analyst at Distribuidora de Bebidas Pau Brasil Ltda - Cervejaria Ambev, as well as Operations Clerk at AeC Contact Center.