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What are Armen 🇦🇲 Rostamian’s favorite books?
Profile Image for Armen 🇦🇲 Rostamian

Armen 🇦🇲 Rostamian

Building useful systems of people, culture, and things.
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Armen Rostamian is a professional who approaches left-brain tasks with right-brained creativity. His main areas of focus are in MusicTech and CyberDeception, emphasizing pragmatism, rational compassion, and problem-solving through first principles.

Armen is a versatile individual who values creativity, teamwork, and inclusiveness. His academic background includes studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.

He has held various key roles in different organizations, including being the Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Grüv, Co-Founder at Illuria Security, Principal Architect at Kernel, Chief Technology Officer at Legatumx, and Director Of Infrastructure And Devops at Chownow among other notable positions.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.