Anique Wijnhoud
Ik help jou aan het team van A-players dat jarenlang voor jouw inspirerende scale-up wil (blijven) werken en jou pro-actief helpt je (omzet)doelen te bereiken 📈
Anique Wijnhoud is a professional who specializes in helping organizations attract and retain talent in today's challenging environment. With a focus on building a strong and rebellious culture, Anique aims to address issues such as recruitment costs, employee well-being, generational gaps in the workplace, and the rise of remote work. Anique is the Head of People & Culture at Sprints & Sneakers, and has a background in Applied Psychology. Anique's expertise lies in creating scalable cultures, effective teams, and cultivating proactive and energetic employees through the RebelMethode.
May 12 ·
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