Angelina Reijkers
Contentspecialist Marketing & Communicatie HKU
Angelina Reijkers is a creative, entrepreneurial, and driven individual with a passion for marketing, social media, copywriting, design, events, and project management. She enjoys reading, podcasts, staying updated with news, music, watching Cineville films, bowling, drawing, and winning pub quizzes. Angelina has pursued a diverse educational background, including studies in communication & information sciences, event management, and communication & organization. She has been involved in various roles at institutions like Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Rijkswaterstaat, NRC Media, and different projects such as 'Het Schaap in de Grote Stad' and 'De Jongens van het Feest.' Throughout her career, she has showcased her skills in content marketing, communication, social media, event coordination, and project management.