Andreas Greilhuber
Managing Director, Anyline GmbH bei Anyline
Andreas Greilhuber is the Managing Director of Anyline GmbH, a technology company specializing in mobile data capture and optical character recognition (OCR) solutions. He has been with Anyline since its founding in 2013 and has played a key role in the company's growth and development.
Anyline, under Greilhuber's leadership, has become a prominent player in the field of mobile data capture, providing solutions for various industries including automotive, logistics, and public safety. The company's technology allows smartphones to scan and digitize information from various sources such as ID documents, vehicle identification numbers (VINs), and utility meters.
Greilhuber's LinkedIn profile (username: andreasgreilhuber) likely provides more detailed information about his professional background, achievements, and role at Anyline. However, as an AI assistant, I don't have direct access to view private LinkedIn profiles or real-time social media information.