Amber Bryce
Freelance journalist, copywriter and social media strategist
Amber Bryce is a talented freelance journalist, copywriter, and social media strategist with experience in creating engaging digital content for big brands such as Tesco and publishers like The Times. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English literature and creative writing from the University of Wales at Aberystwyth. Amber has worked in both a digital and print capacity and has contributed to several publications and media outlets, including Refinery29 UK, Grazia UK, and VICE Media. As a former social media manager at Sook and Twitter curator, she has proven expertise in the digital marketing and social media space. Amber is also a former creative content writer at Direct Traveller and a former contributing writer at The Upcoming.
Oct 3 · The Guardian
The pet I’ll never forget: Punky the puggle was a sulky wrecking ball. His chaos kept me grounded - The Guardian

Apr 26 · Ed Exec
Recovering whilst signed off work for mental health | Edexec - Ed Exec