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    Amanda Guedes

    Talent Acquisition | Diversidade | Employer Branding | Employee Experience

    Amanda Guedes is a professional in the field of Human Resources, currently working as the Gestora de Recrutamento e Seleção e Marca Empregadora (Manager of Recruitment and Selection and Employer Branding) at Sem Parar, a Brazilian company.13

    Professional Background

    Amanda has expertise in various aspects of HR, including:

    • Recruitment and selection processes
    • Employer branding strategies
    • Agile HR methodologies

    Her LinkedIn profile indicates that she has training in recruitment and selection analysis, as well as knowledge in areas such as Agile HR, Human Resources Administration, and Palographic testing.1

    Recent Activities

    In December 2023, Amanda shared insights on hiring and retaining top talent. She provided three tips for effective recruitment and retention strategies, demonstrating her active involvement in sharing HR best practices.2

    Industry Involvement

    Amanda has participated in professional events related to her field. She has been featured as a speaker or panelist in programs such as the Employer Branding Expert Experience, where she shared her expertise alongside other professionals in the HR and employer branding space.34

    At Sem Parar, Amanda works closely with other HR professionals, including Igor Antunes, who serves as an Employer Branding Analyst at the company.34 This collaboration likely contributes to the company's overall HR and employer branding strategies.


    Veja dicas para se dar bem na seleção e garantir o emprego
    Nov 23 ·
    Currículo que funciona é enxuto, em tópicos e sem nenhum enfeite

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    Amanda Guedes
    Amanda Guedes, photo 1
    Amanda Guedes, photo 2
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    São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil