Alvaro Lacouture
Creative Technologist | Design technologist | Experiential Developer | XR Developer
Alvaro Lacouture, Creative Technologist
Alvaro Lacouture is a creative technologist and designer with a passion for enhancing human experiences through art, design, and technology.15 He has worked at New York University and is currently based in Brooklyn, New York.2
Some key points about Alvaro Lacouture:
- He has a strong background in Human-Computer Interaction and interactive design
- He enjoys bringing ideas to life through his work with art, design, and technology5
- He has experience in areas like generative AI, LLMOps, and digital media6
- He is active on LinkedIn, where he shares his work and interests34
While the provided search results do not directly confirm his current role at Madwell, they paint a picture of Alvaro Lacouture as a talented and versatile creative technologist based in New York City.