Allison Hillier
Registered Psychotherapist in Private Practice
Allison Hillier, MA, RP, is a registered psychotherapist based in Hamilton, Ontario. She specializes in various therapeutic approaches, including psychodynamic therapy, existential therapy, and spiritually integrated therapy. Hillier focuses on helping clients explore profound questions about their lives, such as purpose and meaning, and emphasizes the importance of integrating physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental, and spiritual needs for holistic healing and growth.1
In her practice, she works primarily with individuals seeking to understand their experiences and patterns more deeply. Hillier does not provide psychedelic substances but offers support for clients pre- and post-psychedelic experiences within a therapeutic context.1 Her approach is characterized by active engagement during sessions, aiming to foster a deeper sense of self-awareness and integration of experiences.1
For more professional insights and updates from her practice, you can find her on LinkedIn under the username allisonhillier.23