Alice Jarvis
Material Quotes Manager at Zentech Manufacturing
Alice Jarvis is the Material Quotes Manager at Zentech Manufacturing, based in Baltimore City County.2 She has experience in materials management and currently works in the electronics manufacturing industry.1 Alice has 82 connections on LinkedIn.2 Her LinkedIn profile username is alice-jarvis-a1b88a66.
Professional Background
- Current Role: Material Quotes Manager at Zentech Manufacturing123
- Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States3
- Industry: Electronics Manufacturing, specifically in areas such as PCB Fabrication, High Speed Assembly, and Complex Testing Abilities1
Company Information
Zentech Manufacturing is involved in:
- Electronic Components Design
- Contract Manufacturing/EMS
- PCB Fabrication
- Complex Testing Abilities
- Conformal Coating
- Serving industries like Mil/Aero, RF/Microwave, Medical, and Space1
Alice Jarvis plays a crucial role in managing material quotes for this diverse range of manufacturing services.
Jan 22 ·
Zentech Manufacturing - Employees, Contact info, Overview - Wiza