Aléxandros Ziogas
Technology Program Manager in Cybersecurity engineering systems - Global Infrastructure Network Security at Google.
Alexandros Ziogas is an experienced software engineer with a passion for implementing new products and maintaining older ones using the best tools, design patterns, and methodologies. With a focus on quality, Alexandros thrives under strict deadlines and has collaborated on various software engineering projects for companies and governments, as well as IT security consultancy. He has extensive programming experience in PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, XML, AJAX, and HTML5, among other languages and platforms.
Alexandros has held positions at Google, IBM, Oracle, and activeOS+ Data Services, where he has developed essential skills such as supervising S/W operations, algorithms decryption, and webmaster S/W engineering. Additionally, he has studied various applicable courses, including programming, data structures, algorithms, telecommunication systems, and distributed systems. He also has a background in compilers, analog and digital electronics, probability theory and statistics, database algorithm cryptography, HTML5 web content build construction, and object-oriented programming in C#.
In his most recent position, Alexandros served as Technology Program Manager in Global Infrastructure Network Cybersecurity at Google, specializing in security systems and network operations engineering. He previously held roles as a Senior Software Engineer in Research and Development for Infrastructure Network Security at IBM and Cybersecurity Engineering at Oracle.