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Profile Image for Alexandrea Day

Alexandrea Day

Chief Product Officer at SteadyTake
Greater Seattle Area
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Alexandrea Day is a well-known Chief Product Officer at SteadyTake, a 24/7 managed video service providing professional video and editing services. With extensive experience as CEO, Co-founder, Visionary, and President at I Am On Location, DaySpark, and SeminarMaster, she has learned how to lead and manage businesses effectively. Alexandrea has studied Psychology at Antioch University Seattle, which helps her to understand human behavior and enables her to communicate with people professionally. Her expertise lies in video production, marketing, management, patent-holding, and innovative technology. With her key skills of creativity, leadership, and innovation, she has successfully contributed to several organizations. SteadyTake, under her leadership, offers an efficient and affordable value proposition to its clients.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.