Alexandre Severo Medeiro
Proprietário(a) na Tvt Agencia De Viagem E Turismo
Alexandre Severo Medeiro is the owner (Proprietário) of Talento Viagens, a travel agency in Brazil. Here are some key details about him:
Professional Background
Alexandre Severo Medeiro has been involved in the travel industry since May 5, 2000, when he started his career with VASP - Viação Aérea São Paulo.4 This experience provided him with an opportunity to enter the tourism sector.
Current Role
He is currently the owner of Tvt Agencia De Viagem E Turismo, which is also known as Talento Viagens.34 The company appears to be a travel agency offering various tourism services.
Political Aspirations
In 2016, Alexandre Severo Medeiro ran for the position of city councilor (vereador) with the campaign number 20.789.23 During his campaign, he sought support from family, friends, neighbors, partners, and clients.2
Recent Activities
Alexandre Severo Medeiro appears to be active on LinkedIn, sharing updates related to his business and other interests. For example:
He recently shared information about a major road construction project in Brazil, specifically mentioning the completion of drilling for the first tunnel of a road contour.1
He also shares travel-related posts, such as information about departures from various cities.5
Alexandre Severo Medeiro's LinkedIn profile username is indeed alexandre-severo-medeiro-b9567231, as mentioned in the query.