Alexandra Hill
Business Sales
Based on the available information, I can provide some details about Alexandra Hill:
Alexandra Hill is a professional who has worked in sales roles at Shaw Communications. Specifically, she has experience as a Business Sales Representative and in Direct Mail Sales at the company.
While her exact current role is not explicitly stated, her background in sales at Shaw Communications, particularly in direct mail, suggests she likely has expertise in business-to-business sales and direct marketing strategies.
Alexandra appears to be active on LinkedIn, where she recently posted about a job opening for a Social Media Coordinator position.1 This indicates she may be involved in or connected to social media and digital marketing efforts as well.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough information to provide more specific details about her current responsibilities, tenure at Shaw Communications, or other aspects of her professional background. The LinkedIn username you provided (alexandra-hill-73846ab4) seems to be associated with her profile, but I don't have access to view the full contents of her LinkedIn page.