Alexander Shligerski
Helping you produce high-value, educational content for your social media so you can connect with your audience and earn more leads
Alexander Shligerski is the founder of Balloon Creatives, a company specializing in locating high-value, educational content for businesses and marketers to share on social media.
He and his team help clients define topics that resonate with their target audience by researching ideas from various sources like books, articles, videos, and industry reports.
Balloon Creatives delivers a curated list of 15+ content ideas monthly, allowing clients to choose their preferred topics to craft engaging posts or have the team create them with a personalized touch.
Consistent production of valuable content aids in strengthening client-audience relationships, maintaining top-of-mind awareness, building authority, educating, sparking interest, boosting engagement, generating leads, and standing out from competitors.
Alexander's educational background includes studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the University of Southampton, ESIEE PARIS, and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences.
Professionally, he serves as the CEO of Balloon Creatives and has held leadership positions at organizations like Big City Network, Tallanto, and technical roles at Esterel Technologies, Airbus, and STILL Gmbh.