Alexander Babin
Gazprombank Managing Director (Agile IT)
The information provided does not match the profile of an Alexander Babin who is the Managing Director at Gazprombank. Here are the key points from the sources:
Alex Babin from the first source is the CEO and Co-Founder of ZERO and HerculesAI, based in California. He has no connection to Gazprombank.1
Alexander Babin from the second source has a background in archives and records management, with experience in Israel and various educational certifications. There is no mention of Gazprombank or a role as a Managing Director.2
Given the information available, it appears that the Alexander Babin associated with Gazprombank is not one of the individuals described in these sources. To find the correct individual, you would need to locate a different LinkedIn profile or other relevant sources that specifically mention Gazprombank.