Alethe Denis
Cyber Security Consultant at CI Security
Alethe Denis is a highly accomplished cybersecurity professional currently working as a Senior Security Consultant on the Red Team at Bishop Fox, an offensive cyber security company.13 She specializes in social engineering, phishing, and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence).1
Key points about Alethe Denis:
She won the DEF CON Social Engineering Capture the Flag competition in 2019, earning a DEF CON Black Badge.15
Alethe holds certifications including Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and CompTIA Security+.3
She is a board member of DEF CON Groups and a member of InfraGard, a partnership between the FBI and the private sector.13
Her expertise includes physical security assessments, where she "breaks into buildings" as part of her job.6
Alethe has experience working with critical infrastructure organizations, including hospitals, water systems, and DoD contractors.2
She frequently speaks at conferences and provides insights to the media on cybersecurity topics.4
Alethe's career path included co-founding IT companies before transitioning to cybersecurity.1
Alethe Denis is known for her ability to create compelling characters and elaborate pretexts in face-to-face social engineering engagements.6 Her work involves exposing vulnerabilities in both physical and digital security systems to help organizations improve their defenses against sophisticated attacks.67