Alessandro Raffi
Senior Sales Consultant
Based on the available search results, I don't have specific information about Alessandro Raffi as a Senior Sales Consultant at Apparound or their exact LinkedIn username. However, I can provide some general information about individuals named Alessandro Raffi on LinkedIn:
There are multiple professionals named Alessandro Raffi on LinkedIn, with varying roles and locations.1 While I don't have direct information about the specific person you're asking about, here are some details about different Alessandro Raffis found on LinkedIn:
One Alessandro Raffi is listed as a Trader based in Pisa.2
Another Alessandro Raffi works at WSP in Italia and has over 10 years of experience as a Civil and Environmental Engineer, specializing in design and installation of safety and remediation systems.3
There's an Alessandro Raffi who is described as an expert in sales solutions for web and mobile networks, with over 20 years of experience in the IT and sales industry.
An Alessandro Raffi is mentioned as a production manager responsible for coordinating production teams and training.4
Without more specific information or the exact LinkedIn profile you're referring to, I cannot confirm which, if any, of these individuals is the Senior Sales Consultant at Apparound you're inquiring about. To find the specific person, you might need to search directly on LinkedIn using the username you mentioned or look for someone with the title "Senior Sales Consultant at Apparound" in their profile.