Alade Gbenga
IT Specialist at centro lekki mall
There are multiple people named Gbenga Alade.
Gbenga Alade (AMCON MD/CEO): Gbenga Alade is the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer at Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON).234 Prior to this, he was the Managing Director at GTBank United Kingdom from January 2018 to May 2024.3 He is an experienced banking professional skilled in enterprise risk management, business development, and corporate turnaround.3 Alade received a B.Sc and M.Sc in Banking and Finance from the University of Lagos.3 Earlier in his career, Alade was an Executive Director at Intercontinental Bank Plc from 2010 to 2012.4
Gbenga Ayodele (IT Professional): Gbenga Ayodele is an Information Technology Support Specialist at Crawford University.1 He is also a Certified Network Security Specialist, Transcript Administrator, Records Administrator, and L2 Proficiency and Results/Certificate Verification.1 Gbenga is a graduate of Computer Science from the Federal University of Technology Akure and holds an ND in Computer Engineering from Osun State Polytechnic.1 His skills include web programming, database management, mobile application development, and system repair.1