Akhil Saini
Software Developer at NextEon Solutions
Akhil Saini is a software professional currently working at Infosys as an Associate Consultant.35 He previously worked at NextEon Solutions, as well as other companies including Trantor and VSM Venture Control Systems Private Limited.35 Akhil studied at DIT University, graduating in 2014.5
It's important to note that there are multiple individuals named Akhil Saini with different professional backgrounds:
- An Akhil Saini working as a Teaching Assistant for CMSC 216 (Computer Systems) at the University of Maryland.2
- Another Akhil Saini who is a General Manager at FCC Clutch India Pvt Ltd with experience in supply chain management and production operations.1
- An Akhil Saini working at Nokia as a Project Manager in the telecommunications industry.4
These are different individuals from the Akhil Saini you asked about, who has the LinkedIn username akhil-saini-561815153.
Apr 1 ·
[PDF] Case No.