Adilson Ferreira
Gerente de Qualidade de Software na Inmetrics
Adilson Ferreira is a technology enthusiast with a passion for utilizing it to digitalize and accelerate businesses. He is highly focused on creating solutions that reduce time-to-market with quality. His proven experience in software delivery team management and participation in digital transformation projects make him a highly sought-after professional.
Ferreira's education background is solid, he studied Técnico em Informática Industrial at ETEC João Bapstista de Lima Figueiredo, Master of Business Administration - MBA, Digital Business at Universidade de São Paulo, Gestão Estratégica da Tecnologia da Informação at FGV, and Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, Tecnologia da Informação at Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo.
His professional experience spans across different industries and roles. He is a Gerente de Qualidade de Software at Inmetrics, formerly Software Development Engineer in Test Specialist at Inmetrics, Java Application Developer at Kenko Corpus, Infrastructure Analyst, Partner at Eletro Luz, Operador de Inspeção de Qualidade at Grupo DNI, Técnico em Informática at Computec Informática, and Professor de Informática at Compugraf Centro de Formação Profissional.
Ferreira's expertise lies in software delivery team management, digital transformation, quality assurance, and Information technology strategic management.