Adam Dukes
Online Business Consultant - I help Dadpreneurs avoid the mountain of mistakes I've made over the last 8 yrs
Adam Dukes is a Dadpreneur, marketing strategist, and a business coach & consultant specializing in helping Dadpreneurs increase family time without compromising their bottom line.
He is also known for his interests in fantasy football, golfing, and cheeseburgers, along with possessing a wealth of sports knowledge.
Adam Dukes studied Construction Management at Eastern Michigan University and has held various roles in organizations like Adam Dukes, Social Sinergy, AMD Web Services, Perini Building Company, and Turnberry Towers - Las Vegas.
As a content creator on YouTube, he shares weekly actionable content to inspire viewers to take significant action towards building successful businesses and lives they are proud of.
For more of his inspiring content, visit his YouTube channel at