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    Abdul Rahim Kamal Batcha

    Cluster Air Logistics Development Manager - Singapore & Malaysia at Kuehne+Nagel

    There are no specific search results providing detailed information about Abdul Rahim Kamal Batcha, who is the Cluster Air Logistics Development Manager for Singapore and Malaysia at Kuehne+Nagel. Therefore, I cannot provide a biography or background on him based on the available data.

    For more precise information, checking professional networking sites like LinkedIn or corporate announcements from Kuehne+Nagel may yield relevant insights into his professional background and responsibilities.


    Dec 10 ·
    [PDF] Participant List | World Bank
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    Abdul Rahim Kamal Batcha
    Abdul Rahim Kamal Batcha, photo 1
    Abdul Rahim Kamal Batcha, photo 2
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    Singapore, Singapore