Aadil Fahim
Manager - Communications, Branding & Volunteer Development at AFS Intercultural Programs India
Who is Aadil Fahim?
Aadil Fahim is a volunteer and manager at AFS Intercultural Programs India, an international non-profit educational organization that promotes intercultural learning and global citizenship.1234 He has over 10 years of experience in the international non-profit sector in India.3
Aadil's Volunteer Work with AFS
- Aadil volunteers with AFS to create a better world and gain a sense of happiness by associating with great people and interacting with the younger generation.1
- He believes that volunteering with AFS is one of the best ways for personal growth, as it provides an excellent opportunity to meet new people and know them.1
- Aadil aims to do his part in creating change and believes that AFS provides a platform for volunteers to showcase their talents, share their skills, and move forward as agents of change.1
- He has facilitated intercultural learning events for AFS, such as the 15th anniversary celebration of the YES program in India.5
Aadil's Roles and Responsibilities
- Aadil is the Head of Department of Communications, Branding & Volunteer Development for AFS Intercultural Programs India.4
- He has given a TEDx talk titled "Are we educating Peace!" at TEDxNUV, where he discussed his work with AFS and the importance of intercultural learning.24
- Aadil is also a mentor for social media marketing at Collegey, an online platform that connects students with mentors.3
In summary, Aadil Fahim is a dedicated volunteer and manager at AFS Intercultural Programs India, where he works to promote intercultural learning, global citizenship, and positive change through his roles in communications, branding, and volunteer development.12345
Jul 11 ·
YES 15th Anniversary Highlight: Intercultural Learning in India
Mar 25 ·